Thursday, March 20, 2014
Strange But True Facts About Marijuana Growing
1. An estimated 22 million pounds of pot are grown in the US each year, worth an estimated $35 billion dollars.
2. 80% of the pot grown in the US is grown in Kentucky, Tennessee, California, Washington and Hawaii..
3. Nearly 3/4 of the pot confiscated in California in 2013 was grown by trespassers.
4. Nearly half of the marijuanna confiscated nationwide was on public or tribal lands, including national parks.
5. An estimated 1/3 of the US pot grown domestically is grown indoors.
6. In California, it's estimated indoor pot growing uses almost 10% of the state's entire household electrical usage.
7. In Kentucky, it's estimated more than 500 acres of the Daniel Boone National Forest have been adversely impacted by marijuana grows.
8. In 2011, Tennessee's largest outdoor marijuana grow was found in Obion County, in NW Tennessee: around 50,000 covering 11 acres, with a street value of more than $400 million dollars.
9. As a cash crop, Tennessee's marijuana crop is estimated at an annual value of $4.7 billion per year. Kentucky's at $4.4 billion, California's at $13 billion, Hawaii at $3 billion and Washington at more than $1 billion.
10. Marijuana is the top cash crop in California, Tennessee, Kentucky and Hawaii. In Washington, it trails only apples as the top cash crop.
Sources: Mother Jones, Friends of Narcanon, Drug Science
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